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Our Services
1st Class Auto Electrics: quality service and advice in all aspects of auto electrical concerns on all makes and models of vehicles.
- Starter Motors | Alternators | Air-conditioning
- Air-Conditioning Deodorising
- E.F.I. Diagnostic and Repairs
- Scan tool – To diagnose faults on most E.F.I vehicles
- SRS and ABS faults | Engine warning light
- Traction control warning light
- Erasing fault codes | Programming most remotes
- Body control module | Electric Brakes (e.g. Caravans)
- Remote control replacements (programming)
- Car Alarms | Sound Systems
- Car Immobilisers
- General wiring and repairs (Burnt wiring)
- Re-wires | Lights and Kits (e.g. blown globes)
- Central Locking (Keyless entry)
- Electric Windows | Battery replacements
- Duel battery fit outs | Vintage/Classic/Custom Cars
- Project cars
Did you know, that the majority of break downs (Vehicle problems, stops running, wont start) are generally ELECTRICAL, e.g.:
- Crank Angle sensors
- Cam angle sensors
- Ignition modules
- Ignition coils
- Distributors
- Fuel pumps
- Air-flow metres
- Battery
- Starter motors
- Alternators
- Loose terminals
- Corroded terminals
- Loose wiring & connectors
- Spark plugs
- Spark plug leads (High tension leads – HTL)